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Making moves, taking chances, and enjoying what life brings me along the way.


The First French-American Thanksgiving c. 2010

To all of you in the USA, it's should be about time to cut up the turkey!! And while you munch away on the string beans, slather your mashed potatoes with butter and gravy, and pass the stuffing, I wish you "Bon Appetit!"

Here's how it went down in France yesterday:

(Beautiful Flowers from Melanie and her husband, Hussam)

 (Nathalie M. and her boyfriend, Jonathon singing along)
 (Christelle and Delphine)
 (The infamous Marc and his "Brazilian son," Ewerton)
 (Most of the 14 teachers who came for dinner :) )

(Hussam cutting the chicken/ make-believe turkey)

 (And the festivities begin!)
 (My masterpiece)
 (Trying to live up to my family name with the decorations...leaves on the pumpkin pie, an apple tree on the apple pie)

  Dinner consisted of two (as large as I could find) chickens, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, green beans, brussel sprouts, cranberry sauce, stuffing, gravy, cranberry bread, pumpkin bread, pumpkin pie, and apple pie. Of course, this wouldn't all have been possible if Nathalie didn't lend me her kitchen all day yesterday.  In between dinner and dessert, we were serenaded by Marc and his "L'amerique" song. He tried to get me to sing CCR for everyone (since we all know I'm a professional and he thinks just because I know the refrain I know the whole song) but no sir! Not me. We were able to Skype for a little with my brothers and the teachers found it hysterical when Declan told them "Shut the Door" instead of "Je t'adore." All in all a great time and I am quite proud to say I didn't burn a thing!

I told them they were my new French family...and they really are. Everyone has been supportive since I arrived. They constantly check to see if all is well in my apartment, if I have enough to eat, if I need help with my lesson plans, if I want a ride home, do I want to come with them to this or that this weekend. And while I'm homesick after seeing everyone on Skype tonight, I have more than enough to be grateful for today. I've got an American family and now a French one. I have so many people that support me and I have a wonderful life. And while I may complain about things from time to time, I know that I am very blessed and fortunate to have so many wonderful people in my life. So thank you all for reading, for supporting, and helping me learn one day at a time in this thing called life. Here's to you all and to the next year!

Miss you tons and love you lots!


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