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Making moves, taking chances, and enjoying what life brings me along the way.


Drowning in the Drone Debate

If you've been paying attention to any of the news stories over the last few weeks, you should be aware of the U.S. State Department's travel warning as well as the closing of multiple embassies throughout the Middle East. I first heard this on NPR, driving to Woodstock, NY. On the one hand, it's great that we take these potential threats more seriously, especially after what happened in Libya. On the other hand, it is quite appalling that our go-to course of action always seems to consist of sending drones out to foreign lands. Whether you are pro or contre drones, be sure to check out this Upworthy video. If you haven't pondered what life would be like living under drone attacks and constant chaos, this video will give you a quick glimpse into what you would face.

Al-Muslimi's testimony brings many questions to mind.

Who can you really trust?

Who are your friends? What does that word even imply?

Do you immediately associate an Arab with al-Qaeda? What about a Muslim?

What is your opinion on drone strikes?

Do you agree with everything your country does? If not, does that make you a traitor?

These are just a few questions that I believe we need to openly discuss and debate, not only as a country, but as an international community. Without successful communication between the people and their respective government officials, our generation and the generations to come will not succeed and history will yet again repeat itself.

For some reason, this singer's lyrics always seem to fit perfectly into the debates going on inside my mind.

As Christian Nestell Bovee, a mid 19th century New York-based writer, once said, "We fear things in proportion to our ignorance of them."

Here's to your own personal enlightenment, folks. Cheers!

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