The end of another year is quickly approaching us. It's funny to think how fast the date goes from being January 1st to December 31st. As a 23 year old, everything seems to fly by me.; whereas my three year olds are always shocked that the weekend is over, that they have to come back to school and start yet another week, and that they have to wait two more hours until they can eat lunch.
Bouncing off the topic of time and its untouchable power over the human mind, I'd like to turn your attention to one recent and one current event: Thanksgiving and the world renown Strasbourg Marché de Noël. This year I spent Thanksgiving with my favorite French belly dancers. What's the big deal you say? Well for one we surely ate enough food to make our bellies jiggle in all the right places for the next few classes. Second, it was the first time EVER where I only had one meal's worth of left-overs. Third, I FOUND A TURKEY! A 9 kilogram Halal turkey at that! Oh snap! We had a wonderful time together and of course I had to bring out the child in me and make those egg-crate turkey place settings (circa 1996).
Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Turkey, Sweet Potato Casserole, Corn, Stuffing, and Homemade Cranberry Sauce :) |
Gobble Gobble |
Whatcha Lookin' At? |
The girls |
Last weekend I finally got out of Lyon and onto a train. While I already visited and appreciated the history of Strasbourg last year, I decided I should return to partake in it's annual Christmas market. Unfortunately, this was my first weekend traveling around France this school year (I know, I'm slacking, it's killing me as much as you dear reader). I'm not sure if it was the 5 hour train ride, the rain, or the constant sugar rush that caused me to fall in love with Mr. Bron C. Hitis. We're going strong now after a month apart. Right, moving all seriousness, it was a lovely weekend and put me in the mood for what's coming up TOMORROW and all weekend here in Lyon: La Fête de Lumières.
Tram stop République has German inspired architecture that is too bold to ignore! |
I love the bald NOT French. |
Général Leclerc monument with flowers from Armistice Day |
Bretzel anyone? |
Where is the Gingerbread man? |
This one goes out to my sister....decorations above a charcuterie |
Inside the Strasbourg Cathedral. I light a candle for MM <3 |
Angel Pillar- Rumor has it that the architect claimed that there would never be a pillar built taller, nor would it ever collapse. |
Christmas Tree, O, Christmas Tree |
One of the larger Christmas markets located at Kleber Place |
<3 |
Roesti= Food baby deliciousness |
Yes those are real trees somehow attached to the wall of this building. Amazing |
Until next week,
Peace, Love, and Laughter.
La Petite Pamplemousse
Last year my favorite thing was the Strasbourg Christmas market! Such a ncie way to get in the mood for the season. AND the lights in Lyon! WITH YOU of course :)
ReplyDeleteMerry CHristmas
I missed you this year!! Hope you have a great Christmas!