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Making moves, taking chances, and enjoying what life brings me along the way.


Bring It 2012!

Bonne année, Bonne santé, Meilleurs Voeux à tous,
I'm back and ready to write. I would share with you another wonderfully dramatic story about my trip to and from France, but that's so 2011. So, let's share some new ideas, new(ish) music findings, and new feelings (or rather old feelings about new experiences).

Here are three songs to start us off until I get out there this weekend to take pictures and explore.

First up: The Cardigans. Yes, they are not new. But but but! I never really payed attention to these lyrics (nor much the song for that matter despite the fact that my favorite Swede gave me every single song this awesome band has never made) until this week when it popped up on my shuffle. Alors, first wish for the following 12 months. Shuffle up my daily life more often and see what it brings me.

Second: My sister's late favorite. Ben Howard. She will kill me if I don't go to his concert here in Lyon so that's next up on the resolution list (any takers?) While this album did come out in 2011, I didn't really appreciate it until this past week. Third goal: Stop doing what Ben Howard is doing and repeat those famous words, "All we fear is fear itself." Or as my Mom-Mom would say, "Quite whining and just get to it!"

Last but not least: Miguel. I'd choose him over Usher, Bruno Mars, or Drake any day. He's underrated and I always root for the underdogs. I was OBSESSED with "Sure Thing" all summer but I can not stop blasting his latest single. He reminds me of Pharrell in a sense. I think it's the geeky glasses, Matrix cloak, and fluorescent lighting that he's got going on in all of his videos that makes me a fan. Impossible resolution: Meet the man and be a lead in his future music videos. A bit more, but still not completely possible resolution: Have my gym do a hip-hop class to one of his songs. Definitely possible resolution: Get caught dancing to Miguel in the supermarket.


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