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Making moves, taking chances, and enjoying what life brings me along the way.


The Top Ten of 2010

As I make the trek home over the next few days, I figured it's best to compile the ever-growing list of U.S. things I miss here in France. Below are the things I am most excited to see, consume, or do, once I get off the last plane (well besides being with my family and friends of course!).

  1. My Bed. I cannot wait to sleep with a feather bed under me, two pillows for my large head, and more space to roll around in than this pig pen set up in France allows.
  2. Bath time the American way, aka "No more awkward shower time!" Well at least for a week I won't have to awkwardly hold the shower head in one hand, squeeze shampoo into the other, and attempt to wash my hair without spraying the whole bathroom with water.
  3. The Philly skyline and the suburbs decorated with Christmas lights. The lights here are very sporadic and they do not know how to hang Santa decorations. (See example.)
  4. A Wawa Hoagie and a Philly Cheeseteak, maybe even at the same time if I want to live up to the Fat American stereotype.
  5. Not worrying about the grève in order to get anywhere and just getting into my lovely 1996 Honda Accord and going where I want, when I want. I'm really going to love having to walk 30 steps to my car rather than a half mile to the bus stop and then waiting there in the cold if and when it comes to pick me up!
  6. HUGS! As chic as the double cheek kiss may seem to foreigners, les bisous are exhausting, confusing (which way and how many kisses depends on the area of France and/or person), and not as rewarding as a big huge hug, especially when you see someone you really love, miss, or haven't talked to in a long, long time.
  7. WXPN and, let's be honest here, American Rap.
  8. Starbucks Coffee and Teavana Tea (in extra large cups, rather than these tiny espresso cups I can never seem to enjoy because they're essentially shot glasses that are never good enough during those really cold days.)
  9. Reading a book next to the wood burning furnace with my cats and dogs sleeping soundly by my side, in lieu of, the "every fourth tile" heating system in this apartment.
  10. Christmas at HOME!
There ya go folks! I've admitted it; I've missed a lot the past three months and I've realized how lucky I am to have all this at home. So, no worries, I have not turned French on you all. Furthermore, I'm super duper excited to come home despite my new cold. So for now,  have a great weekend and I'll talk to you when I reach the other side of the pond! Out and Over! XOXOX

 (Gaëlle's CM2 class that almost made me cry with their surprise singing, dancing, and cards.)
(Rudolph cupcakes for our Christmas party.)

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