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Making moves, taking chances, and enjoying what life brings me along the way.


Degagez Les Grenouilles!

Yep, that's right, I started this post cursing off the French. I would going into a more lengthy title, but my parents read this (to make sure I'm alive) and to be honest I'm not cursing at all you Frenchies, just certain people that pissed me off this week.

Example A: I go to the post office to mail out some documents and ask the lady at the register to do this "lettre recommendée" (aka First Class, signature needed to deliver it). She tells me to go over to the machines, the papers are there. I fill out the papers and return.
No you messed up. Those aren't the right ones. which ones?
The ones in between the machines, not next to them. (Duh, you dumb foreigner).
I go back a third time to ask for the stamps and I see her badmouthing me to her co-worker. She comes over and shows me how to use the self-serve machines. After I pay she takes my envelopes back to her desk, pastes the First Class papers on the one side, and stands there for a bit. This is when  I thought I was done with this dilemma. I've paid, the main behind is waiting impatiently, I'm halfway out the door and...
Did you get the stamps?
Excuse Me?
You forgot the stamps. (She reaches under the machine, gets them, and places them on the other side of the envelope).

Question: Why couldn't you just do this at your desk like all of the other times I asked for this type of stamp. Granted those were different post offices, BUT you, Post Office Lady, stood 10 feet from the machines. You could have saved yourself the agitation and me the embarrassment and just led me through this process the first time instead of yapping at me rudely three timeswhen no one else was in line. Yes, I will call you LAZY. Sigh, next time I will plan my Post Office routine when the old man is working.

Example B:

I get a letter today in the mail saying the following: "Following your request on November 2, 2010 in which you asked me to file a reimbursement for your monthly travel plan for October and November, I regret to inform you that I can only reimburse October's plan.  The official form from the transportation office was not included and I cannot file your demand without it. Please fill out this required document and return it with the other necessary documentation."

What's the date on this letter? JANUARY 2nd! Did I go in person to make sure I had everything right and then followed up and called about this after I sent it? Yes. Do I have photocopies of all of the documents I've sent including the ones they claim I never sent? Yes (I'm that anal). Soooo, what exactly do you do with your work day over there in the Education Department? Throw out every other letter so you have a fun game to play?  Plus, why does it take you 2 FREAKING MONTHS to send a letter when a simple email notification would do? Did you send the letter by Hedwig's blind cousin? (Olgo the Owl, we shall call him) What gives in the land of cheese and wine?

And for the record, all you French readers, I do like cheese. Smelly cheese, moldy cheese, I like French Cheese. Such a shocker for an American, I know but get over it and stop asking if I really enjoy France. The more you ask me if I'm still okay living here, the more I wonder if you're avoiding work (like my friends above) and the more pissed off I'll be if it's true. End of rant.

In other, more positive news, I've joined a gym (spur of the moment), got out of control in the kitchen (cooking couscous AND ratatouille), saw a full, double rainbow on my way to work (yes it almost made me cry), bought a baby plant to take care of (and it's already flowering!), and started German (well the alphabet anyways). So enjoy the pictures of the week and I'll talk to you all after I attempt to go skiing this weekend.

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