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Making moves, taking chances, and enjoying what life brings me along the way.


Mr. Snow Miser

January came and went, that's for sure! I might as well stop apologizing for the late posts and just admit that my life doesn't seem as exciting the second time around (well at least to me, if you're still reading a year and a half later, THANKS :) )

So what's new? Well, my lovely sister came to visit for five days, I held my first set of parent-teacher conferences, and I experienced my first ever French bath house.  Oh and it's been in the negative numbers now for a week (Celsius that is....10 degrees Fahrenheit). I wear stockings, leggings, and jeans every day and it doesn't do much. The wind slaps you in the face every time you leave a building.

I took Riss to my new favorite hotspot, Crock n Roll, and as much as I tried to push her to go out dancing Saturday night her jet lag took away any possibility of it happening. (Déjà vu? Yes indeed, it happened to my cousin last year, too. He fell asleep in the restaurant we went to, head straight onto the table and all). Sunday we walked for five hours nonstop. I discovered a part of Lyon I never ventured into and we came upon the most beautiful, non touristy view. Monday, Riss came to school with me. It was HILARIOUS. As soon as my children came through the door and saw a new person, they all stopped. Each one of them stared for a good thirty seconds. Even when they went to change into their classroom slippers, they couldn't keep staring. Apparently she made an amazing first impression. Every day in class I ask if anyone is missing from the circle. They still (two weeks later) shout: YOUR SISTER!

All of the parents said that their children love me and that they have heard their children singing in English at home, so that's good...must be doing something right :)

Saturday afternoon, I headed to Calicéo with three of my co-workers from last year. I had no idea what to expect. We started outside (our ears turning pink from the freezing wind), then went indoors, and finally ended with the hammam. It was nice to be in a bathing suit in January. Unfortunately being so short, I could never really sit on the benches without the bubbles going up my nose, or having the water come up to my mouth. It was relaxing nonetheless! So relaxing in fact that I fell asleep and missed my Saturday night couscous dinner :( 

New Risotto Recipe: Zucchini and Roasted Red Pepper :)

New Additions To The Lyon Family! 
Our Snowman!
Yay Snow!

Our Snow Covered Recess Yard
Happy Birthday Tania! Chocolate Cupcakes with Orange Buttercream Icing.

Tomorrow I'm heading off to the Ben Howard concert and I'm sure I'll have more to tell at the end of the week. We're celebrating Carnaval (Mardi Gras) at school on Friday and I have a ton of funny stories and cute projects to share! Keep posted! (Here's some music bait).

And until then, keep warm with my man, Michael!

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